Monday, September 12, 2011

It's Alive!

After an extended absence, I am going to try to bring this blog back to life.  I have spent a lot of time focusing on my daughter and husband the past few months but I am also starting to realize that I need to take more time to focus on me. So, in addition to the goals I have listed in my 101 in 1001 list (more on these later), I have set a new goal.

I want to get back to me. I want to get back to the girl I know myself as. The past few years I have focused on my career and my family and home. The things that have moved to the back burner are the things that make me the happiest. The thing that has slid the most is my physical appearance. I reached my heighest weight ever, have worn little (if any) make-up, and put my hair in a poorly composed ponytail.

This weekend I took the first steps to change this.  I purchased a few products at Ulta that I am excited to review for you later this week. I also look forward to documenting our upcoming move home and the career changes I expect to make in the near future. Stay tuned!